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Degree Requirements

A stone slab with various languages etched into it

Requirements for Major

  • Requirements for the major and an example of a typical program of courses are as follows:
  • Introduction to Theology (TH 201)
  • Second Theology Core (TH 202-299) or Ethics Core (TH 300-319)
  • Ten (10) additional courses in theology, including at least: two courses from Bible (TH 221-239, TH 341-360); two courses from History (TH 202-220, TH 321-340); one course from Christian Theology (TH 240-260, TH 361-380); one course from Theology, Ethics and Culture (TH 261-280, TH 381-399); and Senior Seminar (TH 400).
  • Theology Department Senior Capstone Project

Notes: Normally, majors take courses at the 300-level. Up to three courses beyond the core may be taken at the 200-level to complete the major.

Requirements for Minor

The minor consists of seven courses, as follows:

  • Introduction to Theology (TH 201).
  • One TH 200-level core course (TH 202-299).
  • Five additional TH courses, one of which may be the ethics core requirement, provided it is chosen from TH 300-319. At least three of the five courses must be from TH 320-399.