Vector Mental Health Training
Vector Mental Health Training is an online tool that universities all throughout the United States and Maryland are using to help students, faculty, staff, and administrators learn to recognize signs of psychological distress in various student populations. Users learn how to approach at-risk students and make appropriate referrals to campus support services for screening and assessment. Learners attain hands-on practice managing challenging, and often sensitive, conversations surrounding mental health and master the skills necessary to identify and connect students to help. There is !
This resource is free to use.
The training takes approximately 30 minutes to complete, and you can print a certificate of completion at the end. Join us in making Ó£»¨¶¯Âþ a safe and welcoming place for all students by getting your certificate today! And when you do, you are automatically ready to become a member of Loyola’s Green Bandana Brigade!
Vector Introduction Video
Students should follow these steps to access Student Vector Training
- Students will find Student Vector Training under Teaching, Learning, Working on Inside Loyola.
- Click on the Student Vector Training icon.
- On the left-hand side of the page click on Extra Training
- Click on Skills for Enhancing Student Success and Well Being
- Complete Recognizing & Responding to Students in Distress and Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Postvention
Employees should follow these steps to access Employee Vector Training
- Employees will find Employee Vector Training under Resources for Employees on .
- Click on the Employee Vector Training icon.
- On the left-hand side of the page click on Extra Training
- Click on Skills for Enhancing Student Success and Well Being
- Complete Recognizing & Responding to Students in Distress and Suicide Awareness, Prevention and Postvention
Contact Us
Humanities, Room 150One flight up the turret entrance
Phone: 410-617-CARE (2273)
Call to schedule an appointment
Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.