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Fundamental Alteration Guidelines

As noted in our documentation guidelines, Disability & Accessibility Services (DAS) uses an individualized process to determine reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Most accommodation requests are fully addressed via this interactive dialogue between the DAS staff, the student, and the student’s provider or evaluator.

In some instances, a student may request an accommodation that requires the University to take an additional step in responding to the request. Accommodations that fundamentally alter a course or program are not approved. A fundamental alteration is a modification that is so significant that it alters the essential nature of a course or program. If a student requests a modification that appears to potentially fundamentally alter an essential academic or program requirement, DAS staff will coordinate a process to assess these concerns and, if necessary, consider alternative accommodations to provide equitable access for the student.

Individuals Involved in the Determination

The individuals DAS will include as part of this deliberative process generally include:

  • The student
  • DAS staff
  • Faculty members (in instances where the concern relates to a possible fundamental alteration of a course element).
  • Other knowledgeable and trained academic and/or program administrators deemed appropriate in determining the reasonableness of the request, essential requirements of the course or program, or possible accommodation alternatives.

Procedure for Assessing Fundamental Alteration

In determining whether the requested accommodation will result in a fundamental alteration, the individuals assessing the request will take the following steps:

Identify the essential requirements of the course or program.

Essential requirements are the core learning outcomes (such as skills, knowledge, readiness for licensure, etc.) that all students must demonstrate, with or without accommodation, while participating in the course or program. Establishing whether a requirement is essential may involve the following:

  • Examining documentation such as course syllabi, program technical standards, program learning outcomes, etc.
  • Examining whether the requirement is necessary for licensure or certification in a related occupation or profession.
  • Examining whether students are provided notice of the essential requirement.
  • Examining whether the requirement is consistent with similar programs at other educational institutions.
  • Examining whether students have been afforded flexibility with the requirement in the past.

Determine whether the proposed accommodation will invalidate the objective of one or more essential requirements. 

If the requested accommodation will invalidate the objective of the essential requirement, the accommodation will not be approved. This determination will be communicated to the student in writing by a DAS staff member.

If necessary, discuss potential alternative accommodations.

 If the requested accommodation is deemed a fundamental alteration and cannot be approved, the individuals involved in making the determination will promptly and diligently search for alternative accommodations that do not undermine an essential requirement in conjunction with the student. Any alternative accommodation approved will be communicated to the student via email by a DAS staff member.


If a faculty member is notified by DAS about the need for an accommodation which they believe to be a fundamental alteration, the faculty member should contact the DAS staff person who sent the accommodation notice to initiate this process of assessing their concerns.  

Latest News - Peer Mentoring Support Group

Unlock your potential with our peer mentor support, a group for neurodiverse undergraduate students! Our program is designed to cater to the unique strengths and challenges of neurodiverse individuals within our Loyola undergraduate student community. 

For more information, download our brochure or contact DAS at DAS@loyola.edu

Latest News - Yuja: A Tool to Help Provide Digital Accessibility

In its goal to enhance digital accessibility, Loyola has acquired Yuja Panorama, a cutting-edge tool which will help remediate electronic documents. You can read more information on Yuja by downloading our infromational brochure.