Bias Policy
Loyola University is a community that welcomes people of diverse backgrounds and experiences and values the God-given dignity of every human person. Every member of the Loyola University community enjoys the same basic rights, including the right to be treated as a respected member of the community, with freedom from discrimination and harassment. Bias related behaviors include but are not limited to:
- Negative actions against an individual or group because of their actual or perceived race, sex, color, national or ethnic origin (including shared ancestry and ethnic characteristics), age, religion, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, military status, gender or gender identity including but not limited to willful and repeated use of the incorrect name or pronouns of an individual after clearly being informed of an individual's correct name and pronouns, any other legally protected classification, or other targeted aspects of one鈥檚 identity.
- Creating a climate that supports, encourages, or initiates an uncomfortable environment, based on a legally protected classification, for any community member. Absent an academic reason, displaying of hate symbols, including but not limited to the confederate flag, swastikas, and any symbol associated with white supremacy or other hate groups, supports, encourages, or initiates an uncomfortable environment and thus is prohibited.
For access to the full policy please view the Bias Related Behaviors Policy.
Contact Us
David Tiscione
Director of Title IX and Bias Compliance
Jenkins Hall 105B
Sydney Quantock, J.D.
Assistant Director of Title IX and Bias Compliance
Jenkins Hall 105D