Training Materials
Fact Sheets
Mandated Reporter
Title IX Confidential Employee
Title IX Student Employee
Training for Title IX Personnel
In response to 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10) of the 2020 Title IX Final Rule, Loyola University of Maryland is required to publicly share all materials used to train Title IX personnel at the University. These individuals include the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers (including hearing panel members), and any person who facilitates an informal resolution process. The University will continue to post access to training materials through this website to the extent necessary to comply with Title IX.
Training topics must include: the definition of sexual harassment as proscribed by the Title IX regulations; the scope of the University’s education program or activity; how to conduct an investigation and grievance process including hearings, appeals, and informal resolution processes, as applicable. Additionally, the decision-maker(s) must receive training on any technology to be used at a live hearing and on issues of relevance of questions and evidence, including when questions and evidence about the complainant’s sexual predisposition or prior sexual behavior are not relevant. Investigators must also receive the appropriate training needed to create an investigative report that fairly summarizes relevant evidence.
Further, any individual designated as a Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Coordinator, investigator, decision-maker, or any person facilitating an informal resolution, will not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against a complainant or a respondent. Any materials used to train the Title IX Coordinator/Deputy Coordinators, investigators, decision-makers, and any person facilitating an informal resolution must not rely on sex stereotypes and must promote impartial investigations and adjudications of formal complaints of sexual harassment.
The Title IX regulations (34 C.F.R. part 106) further requires Ó£»¨¶¯Âþ to make publicly available information on these trainings starting August 14, 2020. A list of trainings attended by these individuals is available. This list includes all trainings attended post-August 14, 2020. It also includes some trainings attended prior to August 14, 2020 when the trainings were relevant to our obligations under the Title IX regulations (34 C.F.R. part 106). These trainings are both internal and external trainings. The list includes the materials used in the training, all of which are provided for public review. These materials will be kept for seven years and can be viewed below.
Individuals may request to inspect training materials related to the implementation of the Sex-Based Harassment and Discrimination policy by contacting the Title IX Coordinator.
Completed Title IX Personnel Training and Materials
Date(s) | Title of Training/ Presentation | Presenter(s) | Format | Training Materials |
6/3-6/4/2020 | 2020 Title IX Regulations: Policy Implications and Practical Application | D. Stafford & Associates | Webinar | Training Material |
6/10/2020 | BRAVE Training: Creating a Trauma-Informed Conduct Process | Grand River Solutions | Webinar | Training Material |
7/13-7/17/2020 | Title IX Coordinator and Investigator Training | D. Stafford & Associates | Webinar | Training Material |
8/3-8/7/2020 | Combined Sexual Misconduct and Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, and Stalking Investigator Training | D. Stafford & Associates | Virtual Course | Training Material |
8/14/2020-present | Training for Title IX Intake Officers, Hearing Panel Members and Title IX Coordinators | Institutional Member of the Student Conduct Institute (The State University of New York) | Webinar | |
9/16-9/17/2020 | NACCOP Constructing A Live Hearing Process | D. Stafford & Associates | Webinar | Training Material |
9/18/2020 | Hearing Panel Member, Advisor, Title IX Intake Officer, and Title IX Coordinators Training | Katsura Kurita, David Tiscione, and Melissa Lees | Webinar | Training Material |
9/25/2020 | Title IX Intake Officer Training | Katsura Kurita, David Tiscione, and Melissa Lees | Webinar | Training Material |
10/1/2020 | Title IX Advisor Training | Katsura Kurita, David Tiscione, and Melissa Lees | Webinar | Training Material |
10/16/2020 | Title IX Hearing Officer Training | Katsura Kurita and David Tiscione | Webinar | Training Material |
10/30/2020 | Cross Examination Case Study for Title IX Cases | David Tiscione | Webinar | |
12/3/2020 | 2020 Title IX Regulations: Impact on Loyola's Policies and Mandated Reporter Awareness | Karen Feeley, Kathleen Parnell and Attorney Steve Metzger | Webinar | Training Material |
10/1-11/13/2020 | Facilitating Fair and Effective Informal Resolution Processes under Title IX | NASPA - Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education | Webinar | Training Material |
12/9/2020 | Effective Interventions with Students who have Violated Institution's Sexual Misconduct Policy | Chrysalis Network | Webinar | Training Material |
12/9/2020 | Alternative Resolutions and Restorative Justice Options and Benefits | Chrysalis Network | Webinar | Training Material |
3/12/2021 | Title IX Rationale Writing Best Practices | ATIXA | Webinar | |
7/6/2021 | Making your Title IX Practices More Inclusive |
Institutional Member of the Student Conduct Institute (The State University of New York) | Webinar | |
7/14-7/15/2021 | SUNY SCI Title IX Investigator Training for Human Resources Professionals | Institutional Member of the Student Conduct Institute (The State University of New York) | Webinar | |
7/27/2021 | 2021 Title IX Regulations: Review of OCR Questions and Answers | D. Stafford & Associates | Webinar | |
9/8-9/9/2021 | Restorative Justice in Higher Education | SUNY SCI |
Webinar | |
9/20-9/21/2021 | Title IX Coordinator Level One | ATIXA | Webinar | |
9/27/2021 | Student Conduct Institute Advisor Resource Guide | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
10/4-10/5/2021 | Title IX Investigator Training | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
10/13/2021 | Title IX and Bias Series: Reducing Bias in Investigations | Grand River Solutions | Webinar | Training Material |
10/14/2021 | 1p2p Webinar: PT I | ATIXA | Webinar | |
10/15/2021 | Understanding Bias in Charging, Emergency Actions, and Supportive Measures with Darci Heroy | Grand River Solutions | Webinar | Training Material |
10/19/2021 | Virtual Investigation Best Practices | ATIXA Annual Conference | Webinar | Training Material |
10/19/2021 | Supporting & Including Transgender Students in the Classroom & Beyond | ATIXA Annual Conference | Webinar | Training Materials |
10/20/2021 | Special Presentation by the Office for Civil Rights | ATIXA Annual Conference | Webinar | Training Materials |
1/11/2022 | Investigating Complaints of Past Misconduct: Challenges and Considerations for Title IX Coordinators and Investigators | NACCOP | Webinar | Training Materials |
1/19-1/20/2022 | Title IX Investigator Training | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
1/26/2022 | IX Issues to Consider in 2022 | Dan Schorr, LLC | Webinar | Training Materials |
2/10/2022 | Title IX Hearing Chair Training/Certification | ATIXA | Webinar | |
2/15-2/16/2022 | Title IX Coordinator Three: Compliance and Case Management | ATIXA | Webinar | |
2/16-2/17/2022 | Restorative Justice Training | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
3/3, 3/10, 3/17/2022 | Title IX Decision Maker/Hearing Officer Training | ATIXA | Webinar | |
3/15/2022 | To Sign or Not to Sign the Formal Complaint: That is the Question for Title IX Coordinators | D. Stafford & Associates & NACCOP | Webinar | Training Materials |
3/29/2022 | Decision Makers: Best Practices and Challenges | Dan Schorr, LLC | Webinar | Training Materials |
3/29/2022 | The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) | ATIXA | Webinar | |
3/31, 4/7, 4/14/2022 | Coordinator Two: Additional Topics for New and Experienced Coordinators | ATIXA | Webinar | |
4/12/2022 | How to Conduct a Proper Intake | D. Stafford & Associates & NACCOP | Webinar | Training Materials |
4/4- 4/13/2022 | Basic Compliance Training | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
4/20/2022 | The Essential Advocate: Higher Education Conduct Processes and How Victim Service Advocates Can Help Students | Ladder Consulting, LLC & MSCASA | Webinar | Training Materials |
6/28/2022 | New Regulations Are Coming: a Primer: What You Need to Know About the New Title IX Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) | ATIXA | Webinar | |
6/28/2022 | 2022 Draft Title IX Regulations: A Summary Session for Colleges and Universities | Grand River Solutions | Webinar | Training Materials |
7/18/2022 | High-Risk Dating and Domestic Violence: Campus Responses | Tricia Bent-Goodley, PH.D., LICSW, LCSW-C | Webinar | Training Materials |
7/26-7/27/2022 | From One Title IX Coordinator to Another: A Practical Approach to Navigating Beyond Compliance in a Post Regulatory World | Grand River Solutions | Webinar | Training Materials |
8/2, 8/4/2022 | Title IX Investigator Training | SUNY SCI | Webinar | Training Materials |
9/19/2022 | Solutions for Managing Intake, Jurisdiction, and Dismissal in the Title IX Grievance Process | ATIXA | Webinar | |
11/16/2022 | Introduction to Title IX | D. Stafford & Associates | Webinar | Training Materials |
1/10/2023 | Coffee and Conversations Session 1: Ensuring the Rights of Pregnant and Parenting Students | NACCOP | Webinar | Training Materials |
1/12/2023 | Intimate Partner Violence Stalking and Misuse of Technology | The Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence | Webinar | Training Materials |
1/12/2023 | Sexual Misconduct Training | Marian Aden and David Tiscione | Webinar | Training Materials |
2/13/2023 | Open Alternative Resolutions Training | Grand River Solutions | Webinar | Training Materials |
5/3/2023 | The Clery Act, VAWA and Title IX: Implications for Sexual Misconduct Response and Investigations | NACCOP and CUPA-HR | Webinar | Training Materials |
7/6/2023 | Title IX Advisor Training | Melissa Lees and David Tiscione | Seminar | Training Materials |
7/12- 7/13/2023 | Building Campus Community: Introduction to Restorative Practices | Jeff Cullen and Davonya Hall | Seminar | Training Materials |
7/18-7/19/2023 | Title IX Coordinator Four: Advocacy, Prevention, and Trauma | ATIXA | Webinar | |
9/13-9/14/2023 | Title IX Investigation Training | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
9/18/2023 | Advanced Investigation Training | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
10/9/2023 | Violence Risk Assessment with NABITA Endorsement | ATIXA | Conference | |
10/9/2023 | A Taste of Title IX: Insights on the Past, Present, and Future of the Field | ATIXA | Conference | Training Materials |
10/10/2023 | Keeping Up With the Courts - Title IX Case Review | ATIXA | Conference | Training Materials |
10/10/2023 | The Application of Case Management in Title IX Offices | ATIXA | Conference | Training Materials |
10/11/2023 | Transforming Title IX - Student Activism for Safer Schools | ATIXA | Conference | Training Materials |
10/11/2023 | Navigating the Title IX Coordinator Role & Best Practices - A System-Level and Small Institution Panel | ATIXA | Conference | Training Materials |
10/11/2023 | What Do a Million College Students Tell Us About Sexual Violence? New Insights to Inspire Our Prevention Efforts | ATIXA | Conference | Training Materials |
10/12/2023 | Basic Campus Threat Assessment | ONTIC | Seminar | Training Materials |
11/27/2023 | Making Supportive Measures Count | ATIXA | Webinar | |
11/30/2023 | Managing Intake, Jurisdiction, and Dismissals | ATIXA | Webinar | |
12/4-12/5/2023 | Sex-Based Harassment Foundations for Higher Education | ATIXA | Webinar | |
1/8-1/10/2024 | Foundational Training in Restorative Justice for Higher Education | Center for Restorative Justice | Seminar | Training Materials |
1/12/2024 | Sexual Misconduct Hearing Panel Training | Marian Aden and David Tiscione | Seminar | Training Materials |
1/16/2024 | Recognizing & Responsibility to Stalking on College Campuses | Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC) | Webinar | Training Materials |
1/16/2024 | Know More, Do More: Recognizing and Responding to Stalking on Campus | Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center (SPARC) | Webinar | Training Materials |
1/16/2024 | Barriers to Reporting Sexual Assault Among Black Women Survivors | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
3/20/2024 | Accommodations and Protective Measures: Identifying & Requesting Changes | Clery Center | Webinar | Training Materials |
5/1/2024 | Title IX and Pregnant and Parenting Students: 2024 Regulations | Pregnant Scholar | Webinar | |
6/11-6/12/2024 | Basic Compliance Training on the 2020 Final Rule | SUNY SCI | Webinar | |
8/13/2024 | 2024 Final Title IX Regulations | Grand River Solutions | Webinar | Training Materials |
10/17/2024 | Time with IX: Title IX Advisory Councils, Opportunities for Collaboration | ATIXA | Webinar | Training Materials |
10/18/2024 | Sexual Misconduct Hearing Panel Training | David Tiscione | Seminar | Training Materials |
10/29/2024 | Technology Facilitated Harms: Emerging Challenges to Student Safety | Adam Dodge, Mikiba Morehad, and Sloan Thompson | Conference | Training Materials |
10/29/2024 | Exploring Sanctions and Early Interventions for Faculty Sexual Harassment in Higher Education | Kait Spear, Tina Marisam, Brijen Shah | Conference | Training Materials |
10/30/2024 | Keeping Up With The Courts | Kim Pacelli and Dan Fotoples | Conference | Training Materials |
10/30/2024 | Working with a Bias Assessment Team and Alternative Resolutions in Title IX | Araiña Muñiz and Siena Ho Shue | Conference | Training Materials |
11/4/2024 | General Title IX Overview and Applicable Responsibilities | David Tiscione, Sydney Quantock, Kelli Walker | Seminar | Training Materials |
1/16/2025 | Supporting Pregnancy, Parenting, and Related Conditions | ATIXA | Webinar | Training Materials |
1/17/2025 | What The Vacatur? New Regs, Old Regs, Which Way Is Up? | Grand River Solutions | Webinar | Training Materials |
Ó£»¨¶¯Âþ contracts with expert organizations for roles in the Sexual
and Gender-Based Misconduct process including investigators and decision-makers. For
additional information regarding their training, please refer to the links below:
- Grand River Solutions
- Regulatory Content
- CSU 2020 Annual Title IX Training Series: Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Assault
- CSU 2020 Annual Title IX Training Series: Sexual Harassment
- CSU Session 1: Conduct, Scope and Jurisdiction
- CSU Session 2: Reporting and Intake
- CSU Session 3: Assessment of Mandatory and Discretionary Dismissals
- CSU Session 4: Investigations and Informal Resolution
- CSU Session 5: Hearings
- CSU Dating & Domestic Violence, and Stalking
- Hearings in the New Era
- Introduction to Fair, Thorough, and Trauma Informed Sexual Violence Investigations
- Conducting Fair and Thorough Trauma-Informed Investigations
- Basic Compliance Training Day 1
- Basic Compliance Training Day 2
- Basic Compliance Training Day 3
- Basic Compliance Training Day 4
- Title IX Jurisdiction Presentation
- Hearings Day 1- Oregon Alliance
- Hearings Day 2- Oregon Alliance
- Neurobiology of Sexual Assault: Experience, Thinking, Behavior, & Memory
- From One Title IX Coordinator to Another: A Practical Approach to Navigating Beyond Compliance in a Post Regulatory World
- Title IX Human Resources Investigations
- Twelve Step Guide to Investigating a Title IX Complaint Against an Employee
- Title IX Investigator Day 1
- Title IX Investigator Days 2 and 3
- Title IX Hearing Officer and Decision-Maker Training & Certification Course
- Title IX Regulations Implementation Training & Certification Course
- LGBTQ Inclusion Co-Investigator and Hearing/Appeal Panel Training
- An Introduction to the Certified FETI Methodology
- Human Resources and The Law
- Inclusive Search Practices: Culture Add vs. Culture Fit Recruitment
- Update on Procedures Governing Cross-Examination
- Determining Relevance in Title IX Hearings
- Report Writing Workshop
- Investigative Report Writing Workshop
- Open Report Writing Workshop
- SUNY Transcript 2022
- Title IX Alternative Resolutions
- Being an Effective Title IX Advisor: From Investigation to Hearing
- SUNY Transcript 2023
- Meta-Analysis of the Prevalence of Unacknowledged Rape
- What Happened? Alcohol, Memory Blackouts, and the Brain
- What is Severe, Pervasive & Objectively Offensive Title IX Sexual Harassment?
- Title IX and Bias: Identifying and Reducing Bias in the Title IX Process
- Technology Basics - Information Security, Confidentiality, and Decorum
- Spring 2022 Title IX Training Materials
- Summer 2022 Title IX Training
- Appeals
- NACUA Class One: Definitions, Jurisdiction and Preliminary Matters
- NACUA Class Two: Conducting a Title IX Investigation
- NACUA Class Three: The Grievance Process - Hearings & Appeals
- NACUA Class Four: Anatomy of an OCR Investigation
- NACUA Class Five: Title IX Training & Policies
- NACUA Class Six: Athletics Equity and Applying the New Regulations
- Fundamentals of the August 2020 Regulatory Requirements- Module 1: Jurisdiction and Other Threshold Topics
- Fundamentals of the August 2020 Regulatory Requirements- Module 2: Formal Complaints, Investigations & Grievance Procedures
- Fundamentals of the August 2020 Regulatory Requirements- Module 3: Policy and Training Obligations
- NASPA: Facilitating Fair and Effective Informal Resolution Processes Under Title IX
- The Four Corners of Title IX Regulatory Compliance
- Civil Rights Investigator Level Two Training & Certification Course
- Title IX Hearing Chairs Certification
- Title IX Hearing Officer & Decision-Maker Certification
- Informal Resolution Level One: Foundations
- 504/ADA Coordinator Higher Education Training & Certification Course
- Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Practitioner: Foundations
- Civil Rights Investigator Three: Practical Skills
- Consent: Gathering the Essential Facts
- ATIXA Rationale Writing Workshop
- Responding to Disclosure of Sexual Violence
- Believe It or Not: Credibility Under Title IX
- A Fair Hearing? Mastering Procedures for Title IX Sex-Based Harassment Decisions
- An Informal Occasion: Maximizing Informal Resolution in Title IX Cases
- The Need for Speed: Achieving Prompt(er) Investigations Under Title IX
- Learning for Two: Pregnancy & Parenting Under Title IX and Related Laws
- Braving the Elements: Identifying, Investigating, and Analyzing Claims Under Title IX
- Run the World (Policy & Procedure Writers)
- Title IX Tactical Maneuvers: Building Capacity